• Organically Pure

    by Published on 22nd May 2017 11:32
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    2. Vegetables
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    The health benefits of cucumbers

    Cucumbers are native to many regions in the world due to their ability to thrive in both temperate and tropical climates. However, it is believed that they originated in Western Asia or the Middle East around 2500 BC.
    The worlds largest producer of cucumbers is China, followed by Iran, Egypt, Russia, Turkey, Mexico, Spain and Japan, to name but a few. Collectively their annual production of cucumbers is estimated to be around 68 million tons.

    Cucumbers belong to the same family as Melons and squashes, and are technically a fruit, but are commonly considered a vegetable. Commercially there are two types of cucumbers, although many hundreds of varieties, the larger, longer ones with slightly thicker skins are known as slicing cucumbers and are meant for fresh consumption. Then there is the smaller type, with thinner skins, these are used for pickling.

    The three ...
    by Published on 21st May 2017 19:10
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    Is Gene therapy the future of individualised health?

    A recent article on BBC Health discussed the future of gene therapy and its implications for ...
    by Published on 20th May 2017 15:07
    1. Categories:
    2. Vegetables
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    Peas that pack a punch

    Green peas are thought to have originated from Central Asia and the Middle East, and their cultivation dates back many thousands of years. Although grown and widely popular around the world, Canada is currently the worlds largest producer and exporter of green peas, followed by France, Russia, India and China. Interestingly, India is the worlds largest importer of green peas, due to their popularity within the Indian cuisine.

    Surprisingly, given their popularity the humble green pea has been overlooked in terms of research with regards to their health benefits, with the dried version rather than fresh being more commonly used during research. It is with this in mind that there seems very little to say. However, the ...
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