What is healing energy? Everything in the universe contains energy. This energy flows throughout the cosmos, forming the very substance of life. Energy healing therapies like Reiki work with this energy, helping it to flow where it is needed and remove things that may block the flow of energy. Everyone has the power to heal themselves, including you. Your body has an innate wisdom in which it can return to balance, mind, and spirit. Sometimes, however, events in life may affect us physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually that cause our energy to become blocked or to stagnate. This can lead to a host of imbalances of body, mind, or spirit, which may manifest as illness, emotional, mental, or spiritual pain. Reiki is one energy healing therapy that can help you to rebalance energies within the body, mind, and spirit. The energy, when received, works for the highest and greatest good of the recipient. Reiki has its own innate intelligence and goes where it is needed to bring healing and balance to the person.
What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese technique used to reduce stress and promote relaxation, as a benefit the energy promotes a healing response within the body. Although Reiki was only discovered at the end of the 19th century, energy healing, of which Reiki is a form, has existed for thousands of years. Like other forms of energy healing and energy work (such as acupuncture, yoga or Kinesiology), Reiki works with the body’s energy, which is known as Qi or Prana. When using Reiki energy it comes through the practitioner and into the client. People have studied Reiki practitioners during a therapy session and found that their hands emit an energy frequency between 7 and 10 Hz, this is frequency associated with physical healing. During sessions, clients may notice warmth or heat and relaxation, They may see swirling lights or notice they are feeling a reduction in fear and anxiety. The best way to experience Reiki is to allow it to work with its own intelligence without trying to force any specific result. Reiki works as an integrative therapy, meaning it works with other therapies and with conventional medicine, not in place of them.
What happens during Reiki? Reiki is administered in a quiet, relaxing, private environment. The client remains fully clothed throughout the session which typically lasts for 45-60 minutes, The treatment is undertaken whilst the client is in a lying position for comfort and relaxation. Although, with prior arrangement it is possible to remain upright in chair, if this is more comfortable. Reiki is offered though light, non-invasive touch with the practitioner’s hands placed or held on a series of locations on the head and body. The placement of hands will never be intrusive or inappropriate, nor will there be any pressure. The aim is to move and balance the energy within your body and to release any energy blocks; this encourages physical healing and helps to strengthen your energy. You might feel nothing during the session, however, you may feel warmth, coolness or tingling sensations. You are an individual, and therefore your experience of Reiki will be unique to you. However, the most common experience or Reiki is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation.
Will Reiki help me? Reiki has been shown to help a wide range of medical and psychological conditions, including stress, anxiety, and depression. Clients receiving Reiki report an overwhelming feeling of calm and relaxation which lasts for two to three days after the Reiki session is finished. Benefits of Reiki:
Reiki can also help you to:
After I leave my session, should I do anything special? Please drink plenty of water to hydrate your body as your body’s energy system may be moving at a more optimum rate, so please care for yourself with water and healthy food during the day. It is beneficial to spend some quiet time that day or evening after your session to journal or to contemplate as you may have some insights and further mental clarity as your body continues to process the Reiki session and to begin the healing process. |
What do I offer? For a single therapy session of Reiki - £25 You may wish to enjoy multiple therapy sessions over a number of weeks to bring about greater, long term healing and to promote balance in your life, mind, body and spirit. To help you in this process you can book 6 therapy sessions at a cost of £20 per session, paid in advance. If you become a regular client, the cost will reduce to £20 per session, making Reiki therapy more affordable. If you invite a friend, colleague or family member that goes on to have a Reiki treatment with me, I will give you a Reiki therapy session for just £10 to show my appreciation. |
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To book an appointment, or to find out more about how Reiki can help you, please contact:
Louise Ingrouille-Grove
© OrganicallyPure 2018 |
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