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Thread: Acupuncture

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I found this on the Net, thought I'd share it. It explains how acupuncture works.

  2. #12
    That is really interesting, thanks for sharing Jade26.

    I never realised that is the theory behind acupuncture. I was a bit confused when he said acupuncture really hurts! Is he suggesting it hurts when it is done correctly? I have found some needles hurt, others don't.

    It is an interesting concept, and one which I wish Western medicine would consider more.

  3. #13
    I've been under the care of my GP for low back pain, in the sacral region, I've been reluctant to use strong pain killers, so my GP sent for acupuncture at the local hospital. I have to say, I'm quite impressed, I went along hopeful, but sceptical. However, the pain has dissipated to a more manageable ache and this can only be related to the acupuncture.

    I have to admit, I do feel the odd needle go in, but more often that not, I don't feel anything.

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