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Thread: My kinesiology experience

  1. #1
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    My kinesiology experience

    Intrigued by the art of healing, I arranged a session to see how I feel about it, and whether it works for me.

    Firstly, what I can take away from this session is the understanding that all practitioners work slightly differently. My practitioner made me feel totally relaxed and explained the process to me. Prior to my treatment I filled in the health questionaire which was quite indepth. This is to help see where changes can be made to benefit the individual.

    During the session the practitioner disclosed information which surprised me due its accuracy. From this information a plan of care can be made to benefit you, mine included areas of food, supplementation, and spiritual, for example meditation.

    The practitioner touched only my wrist, head and hand, I was fully clothed and felt at peace. I was asked to keep an open, blank mind, which surprisingly I managed to do, which in itself is a miracle.

    I have booked another session and I look forward to further insights. I wont pretend to know or understand the skill behind this technique, it is however mind blowing and a revelation in health care.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Hi Louise, thank you for your post, its good to hear real experiences. I have to admit I do get a bit sceptical about this type of healthcare. Can you tell me, is the practitioner talking to your spirit/consciousness?

  3. #3
    I have to admit I understand very little about this therapy, only that it tests muscles. I don't understand how gently touching someones wrist can provide them with the information that they have provided you with. I think its amazing that therapy can work, and how wonderful that our bodies can talk to us in such a way.

    I wish I could understand more about this interesting therapy.

  4. #4
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rainbow View Post
    Hi Louise, thank you for your post, its good to hear real experiences. I have to admit I do get a bit sceptical about this type of healthcare. Can you tell me, is the practitioner talking to your spirit/consciousness?
    From my limited understanding about this amazing therapy, I believe it is the unconscious self that is tapped into. I don't think the therapists here/see voices, it is just the subtle movements of muscles that convey the answers to the therapist. Some therapists are really obvious about how they go about their work, but others, such as my therapist, are very subtle.

    There are are some great videos on you tube for nutritional muscle testing. This will give you a better idea, and you'll find yourself mesmerised.

  5. #5
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    As time has gone on, and I have continued on my journey of Kinesiology, I have come to realise this form of therapy is unlike any other I have experienced. It is a deep and permanent healing of the soul and body.

    I have no doubt everyone will have their own experiences, but fundamentally it deals with the root cause of your problems and aims to heal you from within. Where as the more common forms of medicine i.e, G.P's, Hospitals and over the counter drugs have a tendency to treat the symptoms.

    I think it would be fair to say this therapy takes you on a journey.

  6. #6
    It sounds fascinating, however it works. Is there an element of the 'power of suggestion' involved?

    I have recently got my hands on a book called 'Medical Medium', it is also an interesting read and the author also speaks about tapping into the unconscious and reading the soul of an individual. Whether you believe it or not, you have to wonder that there can not be many people out there with such a skill. This surely would make your practitioner unique.

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