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Thread: Healing the heart

  1. #1

    Healing the heart

    Hey, has anyone heard about the latest proven benefits of yoga? Apparently, it can heal a diseased heart, I think that's amazing.
    I think it is something to do with being in the moment.

    I love yoga, and have found it very peaceful, almost like a meditation. Mentally and physically I have benefitted.

  2. #2
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Hi Yogi001,

    I am aware of the power of yoga, and have even dabbled myself, I have found it excellent for back pain. Do you know how it can heal a diseased heart?

  3. #3
    Hi Louise,

    I think it has to do with lowering stress levels, and the calming affects of yoga.

    It helps to reduce blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

    Below is a pose that is good for everyone, a simple stretch, but is known to help lower blood pressure.

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