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Thread: Bingo-in mad

  1. #11
    Here is another option for arm toning from a yogi point of view....must be easy if its yoga...right?
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    The summer has arrived and with it comes the summer dresses....well, today was enough for me to realise something needs to be done and fast! There I was waving visitors off, when something cause he my eye flapping in the wind I was mortified to realise it was my arms. I quickly went into tense mode, to try and take up any loose skin.... this failed, so here I find myself 'bingo-in mad'.

    Thank you for sharing, I hope these exercises will do the trick and save me from my summer disaster.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by lifesaball View Post
    The summer has arrived and with it comes the summer dresses....well, today was enough for me to realise something needs to be done and fast! There I was waving visitors off, when something cause he my eye flapping in the wind I was mortified to realise it was my arms. I quickly went into tense mode, to try and take up any loose skin.... this failed, so here I find myself 'bingo-in mad'.

    Thank you for sharing, I hope these exercises will do the trick and save me from my summer disaster.
    Brilliant! And you are not alone, my arms look less than toned at the moment, so gave these videos a try, Tracy Anderson video is just too hard for me at the moment, although I am sure the results would be amazing. The yoga one is quick and easy, I don't have any resistance bands, so I just use dumbbells for the moment. I can feel the burn. I'm up to 30 seconds each movement.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    May 2017
    Wow, that exercise is really effective, I felt the burn and realised how weak my arm muscles are.

  5. #15
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    I have committed myself to the yoga for arms video for the last couple of weeks now and I'm really impressed with how it is going, It takes barely anytime from my day, and I can feel the burn every time I do them. It is still early days, and I have missed 2 days so far, but I can see a difference already. I definitely recommend anyone having a go, committing to doing the exercises daily, it's not an overnight miracle, but it will help to tone the arm and give it a nice shape.

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