Weight loss clubs
Do weight loss clubs actually do any good? I've been to a fair few, but find I end up thinking more about food than ever. The weighing and portion control is a nightmare. For me it feels like my focus is too much on food.
Also, i am not convinced by the weigh-in, surely weight fluctuates daily and throughout the day. So, getting on the scales and being judged on my entire week based on a moment in time, seems rather unfair.
The weigh-in affects my entire mood for the rest of the week, and I never feel it is mentally good for you.. 'lose', 'stay the same' or 'put on'. I have a 1 in 3 chance of being happy.
Do people lose the weight for life, or once they are away from the spot light, they pile it back on a gain and more?:apthy:
It seems very few people maintain the weight for any period of time. People I have met over the years have, invariably put the weight back on and more.
The thing is, I do not believe the clubs teach people about food and how the body works. The emphasis seems to be about making food good and bad.
I also think the systems are set up to make people think about food more, which seems to put more emphasis on food and the importance of it in your life, which I am not convinced is healthy.
Weightloss clubs seem to promote unhealthy eating through diet. It is possible to lose weight and not be healthy, and I don't think it is acceptable to drink fizzy colas, or to actively encourage it.
Surely they have a duty to educate people to be healthy and build a healthy, sustainable relationship with food
I think they are of great benefit, people benefit from the support they get from other dieters and the fact they are accountable to someone every weigh in keeps them in check. Surely, any Weightloss method is good, as long as people are losing weight.
I think anything that helps people to lose weight should be encouraged, I think the diets are better than they used to be, with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables.
I have to say, I've never attended a weightloss class, but I think if people feel the need to attend one, and pay their money, it is because they are not able to achieve their goal by going it alone.
What ever people have to do, is what they have to do, so long at is not harmful to the individual, I don't see the problem. Lets be honest who loses weight for life?
Some people to lose their weight for life. Or have a much improved weight over many years.
I think they offer a great support network, and it's that, that helps people through.
I think the problem with being overweight is multi-factorial. You can teach someone to eat properly, but if the underlying problems of why people keep eating isn't resolved the diet is always doomed to fail.