Old V's New Medicine that people routinely suffer with
, 19th May 2017 at 18:53 (2480 Views)
I often enjoy a good debate with my friends and colleagues on all sorts of issues, not least health and nutrition.
However, I was recently blown away by a throw away comment made by a friend. I was talking about the power of nutrition in healing many ailments that people commonly suffer with. Including digestive issues, skin conditions and bowel problems.
My point was that people often turn to their GP or over-the-counter medications before making basic changes to their diet. The problem with such medical fixes is that these medications are often dealing with the symptoms and not the problem. In addition, they can cause other problems with their side effects. Whereas a healthy change in diet can often very quickly alleviate the symptoms and cure the problem.
Whilst discussing this with my friend she turned to me and said, 'I don't understand how you can believe that foods, herbs and spices can heal people'. I was taken by surprise by her frankness and saddened that we have lost our knowledge of where medicine originated from; and how we healed our ancestors.
I wonder what Hippocrates would make of our modern day mentality?
I do find it disheartening that we in the Western world look beyond nature, instead preferring to put our faith in man made chemicals as a way to heal our incredible, natural bodies.