View Full Version : Trying to get pregnant.

25th November 2016, 21:03
Hi, I'm new to the site and have joined this site (along with some baby ones), in the hope to get some advice and support.

I'm planning on starting a family, and would like to maximise my own health before I actually conceive, for two reasons, firstly to help me get pregnant and to give the baby the best health conditions prior to starting out in life.

Any food stuffs to add in or leave out would be gratefully received.

26th November 2016, 17:04
Hi Tanya,

what at a great question, thank you for posting. You may already know that foods you eat today will continue to have an impact on your fertility for up to 90 days.

My best advice is to eat organic as much as financially possible, this is to reduce your intake of herbicides and pesticides, additionally, your body will benefit from the additional nutrients that organic offers.

Drink only organic milk, and use only organic dairy, non-organic dairy should be avoided as it contains hormones and antibiotics, which can lead to an increase in estrogen levels within the body.

28th November 2016, 21:18
Reduce your toxin exposure as much as possible and of course the obvious one is folic acid.:encouragement:

29th November 2016, 09:53
Hi Tanya, ensure you have a wide variety of nutrients and eat the colour of the rainbow.
Selenium is very good, and a great source is from Brazil nuts, 1-2 a day, will meet your daily needs.
Selenium protects the eggs and sperms from free radical damage, which is vitally important for healthy eggs.

29th November 2016, 12:24
I can only speak from a male perspective but sperm health is often overlooked when trying to conceive. If I was planning to extend my family (I'm not...too old). I'd take a Vitamin C and Zinc supplement. I'd also hit the nuts and seeds for the selenium, whilst cutting down on alcohol and tobacco consumption. Good luck.

30th November 2016, 10:30
Thanks for the replies everyone,

DaiTheMod, would you take the Vit C and Zinc in supplement form, or via food, or both?

30th November 2016, 15:25
I'd suggest both. For him 1000mg Vitamin C, 5mg Zinc. You'll pick up the necessary zinc in nuts and seeds but extra supplements won't hurt.

30th November 2016, 17:56
I can only speak from a male perspective but sperm health is often overlooked when trying to conceive

An excellent point, ensuring that both of you are as healthy as possible is essential to fertility and the baby's health.

over the hill
2nd December 2016, 21:32
Relaxation is really important, try and keep chilled and don't put too much emphasis on the getting pregnant...so they say;)

3rd December 2016, 09:13
A really good multivitamin and mineral should make sure you have all the nutrients that you may miss out on through your daily diet.

3rd December 2016, 21:04
I have heard of people trying acupuncture to help them. I'm not sure what it does, but some people recommend it.

20th February 2017, 12:23
Nettle is very good at addressing multiple sources of hormone disruption, which may lead to problems conceiving. Try incorporating nettle tea into your daily routine, its actually far nicer than it sounds.

2nd June 2017, 17:02
I found the best way to control my hormones was to cut out milk and bread, I am happy to report I am pregnant and eating healthy. I've cut out all refined sugar so my baby doesn't get used to it and crave it once on the outside. It's early days, but I am very excited and grateful for all your help.

2nd June 2017, 17:50
I found the best way to control my hormones was to cut out milk and bread, I am happy to report I am pregnant and eating healthy. I've cut out all refined sugar so my baby doesn't get used to it and crave it once on the outside. It's early days, but I am very excited and grateful for all your help.

This is excellent news Tanya, congratulations from all of us at Organically Pure, we wish both you and the baby well. xx

over the hill
3rd June 2017, 21:03
Congratulations Tanya. :jb:

5th June 2017, 16:07
Congratulations Tanya, are you planning to make any other changes throughout your pregnancy?