Heather is not a plant that most people connect with food, but it does have a long history as a medicinal plant and is often infused into a tea. Most commonly found in heathlands, moors, blogs and mountain sides.
Before we get onto the health benefits to ourselves, let’s consider the bees, the nectar from heather is a natural bumble bee medicine, helping to protect them against a harmful bee parasite. Heather is a major foraging plant for wild bees which are becoming depleted due to habitat loss, pesticides and disease. Sadly, along with the bee population, the moorland Heather is also becoming less common, which will have an added negative effect on the UK bee population.
Heather contains tannins, Arbuthnot, saponins, Karotin and the flavonoids myricitrin and quercitin. The flower, leaf and plant top is used to make medicine, and has been taken as a tea for kidney and lower urinary tract conditions since ancient times.
It is thought to be good for reducing inflammation of the urinary passages, prostate problems and kidney stones.
Tea made from the flowers can ease digestive problems such as stomach pain and colic. Other traditional ailments that have been improved by heather include easing the pain from arthritis, rheumatism and gout, this may be due to a substance found in this herb which removes excess Uric acid from the body.
Heather tops make a wonderful tea, which is mildly sedative and is said to help depression, nervous exhaustion and insomnia.
However, a tea is not the only way to benefit from heather, a bath, with a pan of heather infused water added can do wonders for aching, painful joints.
Bach Flowers uses Heather flower essence to help people overcome anxiety and ease the feelings of loneliness, it can also address other emotional issues such as self-obsession, talkativeness, and too much worry.
Traditionally heather was made into a bouquet and given as a sign of good luck