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Thread: Chakras

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Im not sure if it is appropriate to post a question about Chakras here, if not, can admin please move it to the necessary place.

    Does any know how I can go about feeling my chakras?

    I understand that if they are out of balance illness can occur, but how will I know if they are out of balance?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    When the wheel-of-energy or a Chakra is stuck it can be beneficial to release the energy or prana using movement. Yoga postures have been recognized as a fantastic technique to release stuck or stagnant energy out of the body. This encourages the flow of vital and fresh energy back into the body through breath and postures.

    There are also chakra stones that can heal your chakras and colour therapy I think it’s called!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I think you need to see a specialist in this field

  4. #4
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Chakras are your energy centres, we have multiple chakras around the body, but the main one are root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown.
    Each Chakra has a corresponding colour, sound and mudra.

    you can release blockages in the chakras by the use of focused meditation, colour therapy, sound or Mudras, or a combination of these tools. It is important that the chakras are balanced for health and vitality
    Organically Pure
    Changing the way you live your life

  5. #5
    If I’m honest I never believed in chakras many years ago, believing it to all be new age hippy stuff, but as the years have passed and more information comes to light I have found myself sucked into the belief of their existence.

    Multiple vortex’s of energy, or spinning wheels, the 7 chakras can easily become stagnant, slow or blocked. There are many ways in which they can be re-opened, revitalised or cleared or blockages. Meditation is the most common way, as well as hands on healing. For me, I prefer to watch guided meditation on YT to help me focus my intent on specific areas.

  6. #6
    Chakras are split into two section the upper and lower with the heart being the centre of all that we are. The root (1st), sacral (2nd) and solar plexus (3rd) are the lower levels, and are fundamental to who we are on earth. It is important to ground yourself which will help to keep these lower chakras functional.
    Then above the heart chakra (4th), there are the higher vibrational chakras throat (5th), third eye (6th), crown (7th). It is said that there is another one above the crown chakra in our Aura.

    It is good to be in this higher vibrational state, but also important to be balanced to the lower chakras too. Ideally, all must be in balance, but this requires work, and healing work.

    Each chakra has a colour associated with it, as well as an emotion. It is these emotions that cause blockages, or the chakra can become stagnant

  7. #7
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    Jan 2017
    I wonder if there will be a time when our Doctors talk about our energy field and chakra energy?

    It’s crazy how all of this was known thousands of years ago and we have lost this knowledge. I truly believe that it is the greed and power of wealth creation that is stopping mankind from discovering our true nature.

  8. #8
    There are loads of videos on you tube about chakras as a whole, or individual chakras. You could also look at the body’s energy field and additional chakras, other than the usual 7 root to crown.

    I think this information is becoming more widespread and acceptable in the mainstream.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    I think you are right Tom and I believe we will see/hear more and more about chakras or energy wheels in the future.

    I certainly notice that when my Chakras are in balance, I do feel more ‘together’
    Organically Pure
    Changing the way you live your life

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Pippa View Post
    I wonder if there will be a time when our Doctors talk about our energy field and chakra energy?

    It’s crazy how all of this was known thousands of years ago and we have lost this knowledge. I truly believe that it is the greed and power of wealth creation that is stopping mankind from discovering our true nature.

    I think there will be a time when doctors talk about chakras, I think that time is within our lifetime maybe 20 years it will become mainstream.

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