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Thread: Apples

  1. #1
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Eve ate one, Steve made one and Newton was hit by one. This beautifully simple fruit is even known to keep the doctor away, but does its deserve such recognition?

    The list of health benefits from the humble apple is extensive and growing all the time. Top benefits include reduced cancer risk, heart health and immune support, the many benefits include:

    Health benefits

    Prevention of dementia
    Reduce cholesterol levels
    Reduce lung and colon risk
    Help with weight control
    Improves circulation
    Helps to maintain blood sugar levels

    Cardiovascular benefits
    Apples are a rich source of polyphenols , these function as an antioxidant, helping to reduce the risk of artherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems by decreasing oxidation of cell membrane fats.

    Blood sugar regulation
    Apples are known to help with blood sugar regulation and therefore an ideal fruit for people diagnosed with diabetes. The theory behind this regulation is that it carbohydrate digestion is slowed down, digestive enzymes are inhibited preventing carbohydrates from being so readily broken down into simple sugars.

    Anti-cancer benefits
    There are a few cancers that really stand out as being affected by apples. These are colon, breast and lung cancer, while it is not fully understood how there are such health benefits from apples; there is a likelihood that this is linked to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    Anti-asthma benefits are directly correlated to the apples antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients, in addition a protective effect may be due to the apples phytochemical content, including flavonoids and other compounds.

    What about the vitamins and minerals?

    Lets look at some of these vitamins and minerals a bit closer.

    Vitamin A
    - Maintains normal skin function
    - Maintains healthy vision
    - Promotes a healthy functioning immune system
    - Maintains neurological function
    - Reduces inflammation, through fighting free radical damage

    Vitamin C
    - Supports the immune system
    - Increases iron absorption
    - Protects cells from oxidating damage
    - Helps reduce the risk of heart disease, including coronary heart disease and stroke
    - Helps in the formation of collagen, carnitine and catecholamines.

    Vitamin E
    - Antioxidant - Protects cells from damage
    - Supports a healthy immune system
    - Helps regulate blood pressure
    - Aids in the repair of muscles and skin damage
    - Slows down the ageing process
    - Balances cholesterol
    - Balances hormones
    - Thickens hair
    - Improves vision
    - Slows down the decline of Alzheimer's disease

    Potassium - mineral
    - Supports a healthy nervous system
    - Helps to maintain normal blood pressure
    - Maintains a healthy kidney function
    - Regulates fluid balance
    - Lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease
    - Helps to improve bone and muscle health
    - Helps reduce anxiety

    Magnesium - mineral

    - Helps protein synthesis
    - Supports the nervous system
    - Improves cellular metabolism
    - Regulates heart rhythm
    - Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
    - Reduces eclamptic seizures
    - Helps with muscle relaxation
    - Assists with bone and teeth formation
    - Regulates the body's use of calcium and other minerals
    - Helps maintain structural health of cell membranes
    - Reduces the risk of type two diabetes
    - Reduces the symptoms of asthma

    Organically Pure
    Changing the way you live your life

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    I wonder if the juice of apples has the same health benefits as the whole fruit? Such a cheap fruit to buy with so many benefits.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Joolz View Post
    I wonder if the juice of apples has the same health benefits as the whole fruit? Such a cheap fruit to buy with so many benefits.
    I think the whole fruit is better, because if your remove the fibre it is like sugar, so any health benefits will be counteracted by the negative aspects of this sugar overload.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Pansy View Post
    I think the whole fruit is better, because if your remove the fibre it is like sugar, so any health benefits will be counteracted by the negative aspects of this sugar overload.
    I thought that might be the case. I like apples but only if quartered as I don’t like biting into them, strange I know!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Joolz View Post
    I thought that might be the case. I like apples but only if quartered as I don’t like biting into them, strange I know!
    Very strange!

    I love apples, but have always been discouraged from eating any fruit in the belief it is bad for your teeth, so I was quite surprised to learn how they can actually be beneficial for your teeth and gums! So now, I try and add an organic apple into my weekly diet.

  6. #6
    This is the one fruit I never eat, I just don’t like biting into them and leaving lipstick all over it

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2020
    One apple a day for 4 weeks reduces bad cholesterol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Los Angeles
    An Apple a day keeps the doctor away was drummed into me as a child so there must be something in the old saying!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Would stewing apples ruin their health benefits? I really try and incorporate apples into my daily diet, but let’s be honest this can get a little tiresome, so I want to find alternative ways, especially as the winter draws in, something warming would be really nice.

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