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Thread: Free speech- Is there such a thing?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Free speech- Is there such a thing?

    Following on from the recent beheading in France, where the History teacher aimed to discuss the concept of free speech, I question whether there is, or ever has been a concept of free speech.

    As we move Forwards as a society with what seems like exponential growth of the population it seems that more than ever what we think and say is stifled, controlled and manipulated. We are being programmed how to think!

    If our views don’t match another’s, long gone are the days of lively, harmless debates, now it is a fear to speak due to potential consequences. What a world we live in!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2020
    I think that teacher was beheaded because he showed his students a caricature of Mohammed which is very inflammatory, nevertheless he shouldn’t have been killed for his ‘free speech’. I have found that of someone posts an opinion they are ridiculed and trolled so free speech comes at a price!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2020
    Too much free speech in my opinion!

  4. #4
    These is no such thing as free speech, there never has been. What is more worrying is that people’s choice of speech has, up until now only ever been inflammatory, leading to an argument. But now it seems that it is illegal to offend anyone and what is worse, a person can complain about being offended on behalf of someone else.

    So for example, I could say something ‘all men are pigs’, and a women could take me to court because she feels my statement could be offensive to another person, the women would not have to be offended herself.

    If you think - so what! It seems fair and logical think about where this can lead. No more stand up comedians, or Old fashioned comedy in general. No slogans on t-shirts, everyone careful about what they say and the tone in which they say it. The stress and anxiety of constantly living under so much scrutiny will take its toll on society.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Kat View Post
    These is no such thing as free speech, there never has been. What is more worrying is that people’s choice of speech has, up until now only ever been inflammatory, leading to an argument. But now it seems that it is illegal to offend anyone and what is worse, a person can complain about being offended on behalf of someone else.

    So for example, I could say something ‘all men are pigs’, and a women could take me to court because she feels my statement could be offensive to another person, the women would not have to be offended herself.

    If you think - so what! It seems fair and logical think about where this can lead. No more stand up comedians, or Old fashioned comedy in general. No slogans on t-shirts, everyone careful about what they say and the tone in which they say it. The stress and anxiety of constantly living under so much scrutiny will take its toll on society.
    Is this right? Surely people can’t be offended on behalf of another! That basically opens up all speech to be potentially offensive!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    I think we all have the freedom to speak in this country but I fear that we have become a nation of bullies hiding behind a screen. I have noticed our local community page has become a place where people are judgemental of others and entice others to join in ridiculing someone’s post. Personally I think we have far too much freedom and the price is someone’s mental health

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