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Thread: Buddha Bowls

  1. #1
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Buddha Bowls

    Buddha bowls are a the latest craze in healthy eating and for good reason. These colourful bowls of goodness are usually composed of vegetables, healthy grains, fats and protein. Their presentation in the bowls, highlights all the colours and nutrients that healthy, natural foods have to offer, making them a delight to the eye as well as the stomach.

    The concept is pretty easy and anyone can make them, in fact the more colourful the better. The Buddha bowls can be hot, cold or a mixture of both. The variety of foods within the Buddha bowl should offer a delight for the senses and therefore help to satisfy the healthiest of hunger.

    The Buddha bowls are not restricted to classic bowl shape vessels, why not take the concept to work and impress your colleagues, with your well thought out meal planning?

    Buddha bowls do not have to consist of multiple ingredients, simplicity is key and sometimes the simplest and fewest ingredients makes the best meals.

    Why not try out the latest craze in healthy food options, raid your cupboards and build yourself a Buddha bowl that will make you feel satisfied and saintly again.

    Organically Pure
    Changing the way you live your life

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Los Angeles
    So the Buddha bowl is just the bowl you put the food in? Are the contents just anything healthy you like to eat? Are there recipes you can recommend?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    I absolutely love the look of these Buddha bowls and they say you eat with your eyes don’t they?

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