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Thread: Cancer charities taking a hit

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Cancer charities taking a hit

    Cancer charities are reportedly taking a huge hit in funding during these Covid times. With reports estimating a loss of 1/3rd of scientists (1500) and an expected tightening of belts to the tune of £300 -£450 million over the next 3 years.

    They say this is devastating to the future research in drugs, they will not stop current trials, but future drug trials will be affected!

    Now, drug trials are funded by big Pharma, after all they rake in billions of profit from the sale of such drugs. I think it is tugging at heart strings to suggest that drugs will be delayed or not even produced because people are not donating to cancer charities.

    I also think questions should be asked about the amount of money these charities actually do receive versus their benefit to cancer! I also read that the cancer charities employ in the region of 4000 scientists working on the ‘elusive’ cancer drug!
    That’s a lot of staff with very little breakthrough to show for their work and funding!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2016
    I refuse to give money to cancer charities, and yes, I have known many people have or die of cancer. If I saw huge billboards from cancer charities telling us how to reduce our risk of cancer with lifestyle choices, I may be more inclined to donate, but when it seems that the majority of the money seems to go to big farmer, I find myself very sceptical

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    I think after the massive scandal with Oxfam where the money wasn’t going to the charities people are more skeptical. I wouldn’t give to them again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    I watch the adverts asking for donations and I feel that millions has been poured into these charities but cancer is on the rise not the decline so are we throwing money away? I agree with Joolz that huge scandals with bosses stealing ,ones from the charities has left a bad taste in my mouth

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    These charities are certainly in the pockets of some bigger people! I think the money they have received globally runs into the trillions and what do they have to show for all of this funding and research?

    I know some headway has been made in breast cancer, but let’s be honest, the first line of treatment for all cancers seems to be to cut it out. Surely the true test of any drug developed would be to see if it actually made any difference to the cancer in situ, rather the possible few cells that remain!

    All the treatments I seem to her about cause far more harm than the good they do!

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2020
    There have been so many cancer charity scams I just think they have lost respect from many people. I used to fill charity bags with clothing believing it was going to cancer charities but it was another scam where the clothes were sifted through and put on EBay by an individual scammer to profit from.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    But these charities help those suffering with cancer, as well as help to find a treatment. As a result of these charities breast cancer is now more survivable. I don’t think it’s fair to know them!

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