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Thread: Chlorella

  1. #1
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Chlorella originally started as being a well known food supplement in Japan, but has quickly gained notoriety in the West and is now considered to be a superfood. This title stems from its nutrient density quality and its plant based, bio-available protein.

    Packed with iron, fibre, complex carbohydrates, B vitamins, polyunsaturated fats and antioxidants, Chlorella is considered to boot immunity and assist in detoxing.

    Liver - Chlorella may assist in the management of chronic hepatitis C, by reducing the inflammation in the liver.

    Cancer - There is a suggestion that chlorella can exert anti-tumour properties, particularly in liver cancer, with slower tumour growth and promotion of healthy liver cells, there is a positive future for this nutrient dense algae in the care of cancer patients.

    Heavy metals - Heavy metals can build up in our system from the water we drink to the foods we eat, Chlorella can help to remove some of the metals and pesticides. This detoxification and the powerful anti-oxidants will help to boost your immune system and please you get. And as an added benefit you will get glowing, clear skin!

    Shiny Hair - Chlorella contains nucleic acids, chlorophyll, vitamin B12 and iron and the benefits to your hair know no bounds: improved circulation to the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, reduce hair loss, help hair to thicken and boosts shine at a cellular level.

    Ageing and Longevity - This nutrient dense superfood can protect healthy cells against oxidative stress and free radical damage, which are known to cause ageing, while in already damaged cells it provides bio-remedial effects, which works to repair damaged parts of the cell DNA from the inside out.

    Radiation - Another impressive quality is the ability of Chlorella to protect cells from many types of radiation, and has shown to have protective quality over health tissue when a person undergoes chemotherapy or taking immunosuppressive medications.

    A natural probiotic - An interesting fact is that Chlorella is rich in prebiotic fibre, which is indigestible. It is this quality that makes it a source for food and fuel for the good bacteria in your gut, assisting in their rapid growth.

    Recommended resource for all the latest science and research on chlorella visit GreenMed Info
    Organically Pure
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    A great organic Chlorella supplement available in power or tablets, 100% organic chlorella. Click on the image to find out more and to purchase.

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    Organically Pure
    Changing the way you live your life

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    What’s the best way to take the powder? And does it taste like wheatgrass?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylis View Post
    What’s the best way to take the powder? And does it taste like wheatgrass?
    All these green wonders taste like you are drinking muddy grass. If you have smoothies, pop a teaspoon in your smoothie, but make sure it has a strong fruity taste to cut through the earthy taste, like berries.

    If you don’t have smoothies, then I would recommend taking it in tablet form. I just tend to think the powder is readily absorbed, whereas the tablets require breaking down in your gut.

  5. #5
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    What’s the difference between Spirulina and Chlorella?

  6. #6
    I have given this one a try but just can’t stomach it without a good dollop of honey to sweeten my smoothie!

  7. #7
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    Chlorella V’s Spirulina

    Chlorella is a source of vitamin B1, Biotin and Vitamin D, which helps support:

    Vitamin B1 – energy levels and mental wellbeing.
    Biotin – fat metabolism and energy production, mental wellbeing and skin health.
    Vitamin D – bone, teeth and muscle health as well as a healthy immune system function.

    Spirulina on the other hand is a source of vitamins B2 and B6 as well as selenium which helps support:

    Vitamin B2 – Supports iron metabolism and energy levels, promotes healthy skin and nervous system.
    Vitamin B6 – Supports iron metabolism and energy, mental wellbeing, immune support and hormone regulation.
    Selenium – Promotes immunity, supports the thyroid, reproductive system and skin health, protection from cell damage.

    It’s also a rich source of the protein phycocyanin, an accessory form of chlorophyll, which gives spirulina its rich blue undertone and acts as a potent antioxidant and immune booster.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Do we really need to be eating this kind of hellish substance to feel good? How much would you need to ingest to feel any benefits?

  9. #9
    These powders are always so expensive, do they really offer the health benefits they claim, that would justify the price?

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Yikes this looks like something you have scraped off the bottom of a fish tank and dried out. I am all for healthy eating but I just can’t do this. Any tips on disguising it?

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