There are some that do not believe in the climate crises, and some that simply do not care, because they do not see or feel that it will affect them.
Yet it has been reported many times in this last week about food scarcity around the world in terms of crop yield. This isn’t the same as there is a shortage of hobos bread!
In this country there is a shortage of wheat stock, due to flooding in the first part of the year and drought in the middle part of the year, this has left a low yield, but also, the yield that has grown is of poor quality. What does this mean? Considerably higher prices across all foods that utilise wheat.
The UN has warned that there will be millions facing starvation worldwide with a growth in malnutrition by up-to 80% By the end of the year!
The changes in climate are real and they are affecting us already, it may be slow, and not in a way that we can’t overcome at the moment, but there will come a tipping point, in the very near future!