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Thread: Mandatory vaccination

  1. #1

    Mandatory vaccination

    I have read with some surprise that some states in America have suggested that people will be mandated to have the Covid-19 vaccine when it emerges.

    I know that in many states in the US that children are not allowed to attend school or play group unless they have had all their vaccinations.
    I believe Australia has also mooted this idea too.

    What do you think about being made to have a vaccine?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2020
    I think it is against your human rights to be made to have a vaccine. Is there any other vaccine that is mandatory?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Los Angeles
    I don’t think you should have to be vaccinated to be allowed to attend school the risk is not high enough

  4. #4
    In America they have got zero chance of making a vaccine mandatory, they riot and protest about everything!

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Westielover View Post
    In America they have got zero chance of making a vaccine mandatory, they riot and protest about everything!
    It is already mandatory in America to have all your vaccines before you are permitted into school.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Australia has said they will not make it mandatory to have the vaccine, but they will make it hard not to have it, so for example they will restrict movement, entry and travel if you don’t have the vaccine, but they won’t insist you have it.

    A sort of a forced ‘choice’ situation!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    No, no, no this is outrageous you can’t make a vaccination mandatory

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    I personally think you should make it mandatory because there was a big debate over the MMR vaccine with thousands of kids not having it and now the doctor who scared everyone has been struck off by the medical council and measles is on the rise again when it was virtually non existent

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Wills42 View Post
    I personally think you should make it mandatory because there was a big debate over the MMR vaccine with thousands of kids not having it and now the doctor who scared everyone has been struck off by the medical council and measles is on the rise again when it was virtually non existent
    But we know that more that 80% of those with Covid have no symptoms at all, about 10% have symptoms stay at home, 10% have symptoms and need to be in hospital, of those 10% 0.01% die of Covid and those are global statistics. Bare in mind that some countries have over estimated their death totals, so that number may be even lower globally.

    So given those numbers, why would you give a vaccine to 100% of the population for a virus that actually causes a problem in so few?

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2017
    I have read that there is an idea to roll out the Covid vaccine and the flu vaccine at the same time. What affect will this have on the body? Surely it is way too much for the body to cope with as a joint shot!

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