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Thread: Modern day slavery!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Modern day slavery!

    Many people believe slavery is a thing of the past, a crime that individuals fought against and laws eventually abolished. But slavery still exists today – in fact there are more people trapped in modern slavery than ever before in history. 40.3 million people are living in modern slavery – more than three times the figure during the transatlantic slave trade. While slavery is illegal in all countries around the world, it still persists where laws aren’t enforced.

    People moan and say that their ancestors were slaves and we should remove statues around the country but they donÂ’t see the irony in this when they are wearing clothes that were made by modern day slaves!

    The fashion industry uses cheap child labour to make cheap clothes so are they hypocrites?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    I think there is another side to this and that is that locals would starve if they didn’t work in the factories so what appears to slavery to us is in fact saving lives in poor countries.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    People love a fashion bargain and so that means there is a huge demand for cheap clothes meaning they are made abroad using slave labour!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Modern day slavery seems to have been completely overlooked by the media when they are talking to the BLM activists on TV!

  5. #5
    As always, the reality is in this fickle world of ours, is that know one actually really cares about slavery or any injustices as long as we are reaping the benefits! You watch the uproar if suddenly it was made mandatory that all these ‘sweatshop’ staff had to be paid the living wage! Suddenly cheap clothes would be a thing of the past and everyone would be in uproar!

    We live in a world where we want the cheapest stuff and are not willing to pay for the work that is required, as a consequence, everytime any of us shop at well known brands that mean you can buy a jumper for £4 you are complicit in modern slavery!

  6. #6
    I have to admit, I am surprised at the lack of comment and focus on slavery that we can change today. Sadly, it seems that there are many Asian women working as modern slaves even in our own country, this has been highlighted in the news recently. They are working in conditions and with pay that are sImply not acceptable by our standards. Yet I do not see the uproar by all to protect these (mainly women) people, as I am sure their voice is not allowed to be heard.

    We will happily buy clothes and household items at very, very cheap prices, without a care for the lives of those at the other end of the consumer chain. We may not be able to right the wrongs of the past, but we can change the present and the future.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yogi001 View Post
    I have to admit, I am surprised at the lack of comment and focus on slavery that we can change today. Sadly, it seems that there are many Asian women working as modern slaves even in our own country, this has been highlighted in the news recently. They are working in conditions and with pay that are sImply not acceptable by our standards. Yet I do not see the uproar by all to protect these (mainly women) people, as I am sure their voice is not allowed to be heard.

    We will happily buy clothes and household items at very, very cheap prices, without a care for the lives of those at the other end of the consumer chain. We may not be able to right the wrongs of the past, but we can change the present and the future.
    You are so right. My mum bought an industrial machine in the 90's and would sew clothes from home for very little money. She would sew wax jackets and would be paid 75p - £1/piece, which is peanuts considering their retail price and the intricacy of the sewing.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dahlia View Post
    You are so right. My mum bought an industrial machine in the 90's and would sew clothes from home for very little money. She would sew wax jackets and would be paid 75p - £1/piece, which is peanuts considering their retail price and the intricacy of the sewing.
    It is so wrong that the people that make these items are not properly rewarded for their work, and being a machinist is a skilled job, especially to turn out the quantity that is expected. And to main the quality. Definitely more needs to be done to protect these workers.
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  9. #9
    Member Alf's Avatar
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    People won’t stop buying cheap items, and that is why no one complains about it, it benefits us.

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