I never had my teeth straightened as a child, but would like to improve on their look now, are there any good options for adults? And how long does it take?
I never had my teeth straightened as a child, but would like to improve on their look now, are there any good options for adults? And how long does it take?
My son has had braces on his teeth for a while now but his teeth look beautiful and free of charge but for adults it is very expensive. There is the option of traditional metal brackets glued to each tooth costing approximately £3500 for the top row or Invisalign which is our behind the teeth so not visible and these cost over £5000 just for the top row!
You can have veneers put on but they are several thousands of pounds and ruin your teeth.
It depends on how much your teeth need to move so anything from 3 to 12 months