How dare they! Some things in life should be left untouched.....
How dare they! Some things in life should be left untouched.....
I thought it was just my fingers had got thinner
Cadburys reduced the size of the dairy milk bar by 14%
Jeeeeeez! Bloomin' Americans, first they ruined the Creme egg, now the Toblerone!
There are some companies that Americans should not be allowed to acquire, chocolate being one of them.
Crisps seem to have gone the same way. you get more air for your money!
It is not like the price has stayed the same, a bar of chocolate is about 75p now, the price has inflated, whilst the product has deflated, robbin' gits!
I think I'd rather everything go smaller, than bigger like in the USA, they have lost control of what a portion size should be.
I knew it! They denied it, but I knew it....Curly whiry's shrank too
And now Malteasers! The contents has shrunk by 15%
I notice they haven't openly displayed the decreased size! Although, it is a clever marketing trick, they can reduce the weight by a greater percentage than they would increase the price by.