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Thread: Who owns the narrative?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Who owns the narrative?

    “It’s very much a question, not what are the facts… Today it’s not that important what really happened. It’s more a question of who owns the narrative. And occupying the narrative has created some sort of lopsided ideologies and lopsided information that we see every day.”

    I saw this quote today and thought, Yes! This sums up our world today. Everything is false, thin veiled, bias, corrupt, and we are fast walking into a society that has lost track of what is real and what is not, thanks the the woke brigade!

    I fear for our future and our liberties, the speed of descent if frightening!

  2. #2
    Member Alf's Avatar
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    That’s your first mistake, believing we have ever been ‘free’, that is a brain washing exercise that we have all been sucked into. Has no one noticed that the concept of ‘free speech’ does not exist anymore?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    I don’t see that the world is going in a good direction right now, it seems the more people try and force an ideology on the race, the worse we become. It harps back to age old research, that shows children in the poor countries, that have nothing, are happier than those children living in the Western world with seemingly everything. Our way of living is not good, healthy or better. So given this we need to get it out of our minds that we know best, that changes we make to our society is always for the better, when in fact every thing I can see, points to the absolute reverse!
    Organically Pure
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  4. #4
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    I think the woke society are taking the brunt for the changes in society, and they are certainly speeding the agenda up without a true understanding of the consequences. But, this is not a new thing, it has been going on for years, the media, movies and Online media are culpable of what is happening to the world today.

  5. #5
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    Personally, I find it all very sad and disturbing, it makes me want to run for the hills, lock myself up and keep myself away from humanity.

    As time goes on we are not becoming united, there are great chasms dividing us, and as each day that passes, I see this as only getting worse. Surely the upheaval was about becoming united as a people, not more segregated than ever, all I see looming in the future is civil unrest.

  6. #6
    Who owns the narrative? Don’t they say it’s the top 1%, I’m sure there is a name for these unseen people, but they drive they economy, the media, the tv and movies we watch, they form the narrative that we are all fed and led to believe!

  7. #7
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    Our thoughts and ideas are controlled and guided, yet so many people are unaware of this, even our education and world view is controlled to fit a narrative. It happens all over the world, which explains so many conflicts around the world. There’s money in conflict!

  8. #8
    As I’ve got older I have started to realise that everything we used to be told, or made to believe is often twisted contortions of the truth. I went through a period where this realisation really effected me mentally. I felt deceived and worse than that, I couldn’t believe anything I was then seeing. This really messes with your head after a while, it seems that everyone has an agenda for the information you are given.

    I find our life is a thin veil of deception and the healthiest way to live is to limit your interaction with the world at large.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Alf View Post
    That’s your first mistake, believing we have ever been ‘free’, that is a brain washing exercise that we have all been sucked into. Has no one noticed that the concept of ‘free speech’ does not exist anymore?
    I think there is free speech everywhere on social media platforms and it causes a lot of harm when used to hurt people

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Freespirit View Post
    I think there is free speech everywhere on social media platforms and it causes a lot of harm when used to hurt people
    I think you are confusing allowed free speech to the free speech that is being disallowed. It is a fallacy that free speech exists, and this has become more and more apparent over the last few months.

    You have the freedom to say anything so long as it fits the agenda.

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