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Thread: Where to start?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    France, Salon-De-Provence

    Where to start?

    I have been on a cycle of dieting throughout my life and somehow always end up at the same place, overweight!

    The only thing that I have learnt is that I eat more calories than I should, and that the diet industry doesn’t work, not for the long haul. So I find myself here. I have watched many you tube clips about people who have started along this path, of whole food, so, having tried everything else and failed, here I am!

    But where do I start?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Welcome Ely, and good for you for keep on trying. My first advice would be to watch some recommended movies, most you will see on the books/movie list on the forum, but there is a new movie out call Game changers, I will post about this in the Books/movie section, these movies will give you a good understanding of the benefits of eating whole food. The books I would recommend are by Jesse Jacoby and are based around the benefits of eating whole food plant based. I always think it is wise to understand the reason why you have chosen the path you have, as when you have belief in your heart, the path is so much easier to follow. Good luck.
    Organically Pure
    Changing the way you live your life

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    United States, Fort Worth
    Start with eating the same as you always have, but adding more greens and veg, really fill up on these. You will soon find you will feel full for longer and not want to eat so much, so frequently.

  4. #4
    The problem with diets as that people go completely strict straight away, they start exercising daily, throwing away all the rubbish food, spend hours preparing food etc, and then they crash and burn.

    Always be honest with yourself and your lifestyle and ask, what is sustainable, start with half of that and build up. Also don’t go crazy on cutting out foods. Deena is right look at what foods you can add into your diet, rather than what foods to cut out. You will naturally reduce the bad foods over time.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I think I would suggest not look at the bigger picture, just look at what you can do each day. It seems easier to control that way.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Carol78 View Post
    I think I would suggest not look at the bigger picture, just look at what you can do each day. It seems easier to control that way.
    Good point Carol78 and I would add, drink plenty of filtered water, this will help to keep you feeling full and more importantly, it will give you energy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    France, Salon-De-Provence
    Sorry for not replying, although I have been reading your messages. I have chosen to not go down the drastic state of cutting everything out, but as people state, I’ve been looking at what I can add into my diet, and veg has been a big one, it helps me feel full, and does help to reduce my evening snacking. Although I still sit down and then spend all my time thinking about the chocolate in the cupboard

    It’s a process

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