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Thread: Brexit

  1. #1


    Which ever way you voted, you couldn't write this whole debacle. I wonder what will happen if the house of commons vote against leaving, what then?

    Stale mate between the House of Commons and the voting public? and then what does it mean for our democracy?

  2. #2
    Am I right in thinking that if an appeal fails, it could get referred to the European Court?

    Like you said, you couldn't write it, how ironic!

  3. #3
    I think it is disgusting!

  4. #4
    I cant help but think this was the plan all along. They needed a way to get us out of this vote, and this will be their escape route.

  5. #5
    I voted to remain, so to be honest, I see this as a positive move to not rule anything out.
    But, I do understand that whichever way you voted if the vote gets over turned, it is a black mark on democracy.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    I think it is interesting turn of events, although not surprising.

    The whole Brexit saga, seems to have been played out without really understanding of what the feeling was, at the time. I do think however, if the referendum were to take place again now, the result would be very different.

  7. #7
    I'm sure the media are whipping this up to be a case of in/out Brexit. I think it is actually something to do with protocols and who gets to trigger article 50.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I think you are right Morris1954, the media have a lot to answer for, including the outcome of the Brexit vote.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I think the most important thing in the future Brexit negotiations is that the media and politicians stand united and not squabble or bitch.
    We need to present ourselves as a country that has it all, and have a 'Why wouldn't you want to deal with us' attitude instead of the usual inflight and back stabbing. Treat the country like we are a company trying to attract investment.

  10. #10
    I think that there are unofficial talks going on all the time. It seems that according to the general public (media) the success of the negation hinges on whether we allow free movement of people. That seems to be the only thing people care about.

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