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Thread: Article: The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health

  1. #1
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Article: The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health

    Organically Pure
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  2. #2
    This is a fascinating insight into the role that nutrition has on our mental health. Do you think there will come a time when food vouchers are prescribed for patients rather than tablets?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom32 View Post
    This is a fascinating insight into the role that nutrition has on our mental health. Do you think there will come a time when food vouchers are prescribed for patients rather than tablets?
    Funny you should make this comment! In some parts of America the doctors prescribe food vouchers for the farmers markets and this has proven to be quite successful in helping people improve their health and reduce their need for prescription medicines.

    Also, in Germany doctors prescribe 'wellness days' for patients, this may include spa days etc. I would love to see the statistics on the effectiveness of this approach to health.

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