I just wanted to tell my story, because I know that so many people suffer from back pain and seek over the counter medicines, prescription medicines and alternative medicines. I am one of those people. It didn't seem to matter what I did, I just couldn't rid myself of the pain, and settled into a life of constant pain as though this was my norm.
It was only recently, by some fluke that I needed to change my diet, as a result of worsening stomach problems. My change in diet resulted in a reduction of back pain, by cutting out dairy and wheat I noticed my back (and stomach) pain had all but gone. I now notice that the occasional random food upsets my stomach, I almost immediately get back ache.
Now, I am not saying that all back ache is stomach related, but I am suggesting that it might be worth a consideration. If you do suffer from back pain, have a look at your diet, maybe cut some foods out and see how it makes you feel.
I think I should mention that Whilst I had stomach pain, I didn't always have stomach pain when I had back pain.