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Thread: My journey to becoming a reiki practitioner

  1. #1
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    My journey to becoming a reiki practitioner

    I thought I would share my journey of becoming a reiki practitioner with you, I welcome all contributions, especially from those that have also undertaken, or are currently undertaking this same journey.

    I started my reiki experience with much scepticism of the therapy, it is not that I disbelieved in it, I was simply not fully sure if it actually 'healed'. I have scoured numerous websites many of which suggested this was a 'mind over matter' therapy and so I wasn't really sure what to expect. Anyway, not one to knock anything unless I have tried it, I decided to give it a go. Wow! I felt so energised and 'buzzing' and from that moment on, I have been hooked.

    So much so, I decided I wanted to be part of this beautiful healing therapy, So I have received my attunement and have begun my 21 days of self-healing.

    Reiki one is about healing yourself and working with the energy of reiki, it is said that the more you use it the stronger it becomes and the more you are aware of the subtle shifts in energies.
    I have kept a journal of my day to day progression in self-healing and I have to say, I love this time. It is a moment of complete relaxation and almost meditation, a practice I have long struggled with due to the 'noises in my head', yet oddly, I find I am able to totally relax and as a general rule 'switch off'.

    This period of self healing has made me aware of my 'self', in terms of how I project myself in the outside world, and how I feel about that person. It has made me realise that changes are needed and as a result a general 'peace' appears to have bestowed my body.

    I am not sure if it is the process of healing, the opportunity of self-indulgent meditation or it is indeed mind over matter. Either way, changes are afoot and I for one are looking forward to the new and much needed improved me

  2. #2
    This is great to hear you have found a therapy which has changed the course of your life, by all accounts. Why do you think it has developed an inner peace in you?

    I notice it has been some time since you wrote this, has that inner peace stayed with you? Or was it short lived?

    Is doing your self healing reiki the same as receiving reiki from a practitioner?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    What happens after the 21 days of healing?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teri23 View Post
    This is great to hear you have found a therapy which has changed the course of your life, by all accounts. Why do you think it has developed an inner peace in you?

    Honestly, I don’t know, other than I have the time to relax and listen to my inner self, why this give me an inner peace I can not say. Although I have read that it is about balancing you. Maybe the inner turmoil is all about an imbalance in our system. Which would make sense.

    I notice it has been some time since you wrote this, has that inner peace stayed with you? Or was it short lived?

    Thank you for asking, it has stayed with me, although I must admit I Practice most days.

    Is doing your self healing reiki the same as receiving reiki from a practitioner?

    In terms of healing, I believe it is, in terms of relaxation, no. It is such a lovely treat and experience to go to another practitioner, whilst you completely relax. I still go to a practitioner and will continue to do so.
    Since completeing my 21 days of healing, I have continued to keep a diary of my healing and continued to self heal on a daily basis (almost).

  5. #5
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christiane View Post
    What happens after the 21 days of healing?
    The idea is that you initially have to undertake self healing for 21 days as a sort of intensive course, thereafter you can choose to do it when you like as you are now well on your way to being balanced and healed.

    The more often you do it, the better you will feel, I continue to do it daily.

  6. #6
    At what point can you practice on other people?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morris1954 View Post
    At what point can you practice on other people?
    I think you need to have undergone a few levels and had some practice time before being able to practice on others.

  8. #8
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    When you are self healing do you have the same sensations as you do when doing other people?

  9. #9
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Sort of, but because I do it so often, I am fairly balanced, and as such do not have areas of consolidation, blockages etc

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    I always thought to be a reiki practitioner you had to be like a medium or something and channel some greater power, I had no idea that you could learn it

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