For a while now I’ve been hearing and fearing the concept of a New World. When this statement comes from the mouths of politicians, chills run down my spine! I simply lack trust in their leadership and I do not see any of them as a force for good in this world.

However, in parallel, I have also been hearing about a New World in terms of higher consciousness. That the human race is raising its vibrations, becoming more aware of the true reality that surrounds us. The veil is being lifted as so to speak.

This explains the changes we see in the climate, and geology. Over the next few years we will see an increase in violent weather patterns and earthquakes, volcanoes erupting etc along with this we will be impacted by solar flares more frequently and this will have an impact on both the earth and ourselves.

We will go through ‘birthing pains’ there will be much unrest in the world both on a natural scale, but politically. We must work through this as great fortunes and blessings will come out of these hard times.

So, if any of you have heard this term, ‘New World’, be open minded to what this may mean, but first the planet has to shake us all up to get rid of our old ways, our sense of separation.