I have been shocked by how many friends and associates have been diagnosed as having cancer, the surprising thing about this is that their ages range from 35 to 60 years. Now I know that the statistics suggest a ratio of one in three people will develop cancer, but they are just statistics, right! well, it appears that statistics actually relate to real time events and not just school education. Who knew! I have have watched my friends go through turmoil in the ...
I started this web site after years of reading about the effects and content of the foods we consume in the 21st Century. I have been a vegetarian for the greatest part of my life and have dabbled with Vegan and Raw diets. Over the years I have come to realise that a raw diet gives me what I am looking for in a daily sustainable diet. I feel vibrant and alive, and my body reacts well to the nutrients it receives The knowledge I gained through reading amazed, ...
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