View Full Version : Being in the moment

20th January 2024, 12:43
I have a terrible habit of living in the future, I worry about stuff that may never come to pass and overthink everything.

More recently this has become more pronounced and I am aware it is not a healthy state to be in, but as much as I try to be present in the now, I fail to stay in this space for longer than 30 seconds… on a good day!

I came across a little technique that suggested that when you find your mind wondering off into the future or past, catch yourself and look around you or go within… what are you feeling right now? Happy, sad, pain, an itch etc it doesn’t matter what it is, but by simply acknowledging something that is happening at that moment it brings you back into the present.

Another thing you can do, which I prefer, is to look around you and give thanks for something that is in your immediate environment, even if it’s rain, or your job, or the roof over your head, or your comfy shoes, lunch etc. again it brings you back into the present and as a bonus you also get to give gratitude.

This is my trend that I’m working on and it is helpful to help me get out of the habit of my head running ahead of me and not being present and grateful for the things I do have in my life.

20th January 2024, 17:13
I like this idea, specifically to bring yourself into the present with an acknowledgment of being grateful for something at that moment. Very empowering. I think too often these days we live hours and days ahead in our minds, which can’t be healthy for us, and we miss so much of the moment we are in.

22nd January 2024, 10:19
I struggle to stay in the moment, my mind is always racing ahead of me, I think it’s the nature of the society will live in. I think the old way of living was best, where people had to live in the moment, it’s far healthier on the mind and body.