View Full Version : Zoe

20th January 2024, 12:09
Has anyone tried or thought of trying the new Zoe blood sugar monitoring that is embedded under the skin?

I think it is being marketed at non diabetics, I was thinking of getting one, but it’s quite expensive in the region of £300 with an ongoing monthly fee

20th January 2024, 12:32
I did look into this, as it is being marketed to the health market and understanding your diet etc, but I was put off by the price, the blood samples taken and how your health information is used.

20th January 2024, 14:09
This advert keeps popping up when I’m on You tube. Wasn’t there a lot of backlash about these from the diabetic community?

20th January 2024, 17:05
I have to admit, I’ve been tempted by this, if it helps me to control my weight and diet cravings, surely it’s a good thing. I think a lot of people could benefit from this technology, as they can see for themselves the damage the food they consume is doing to their body in real time. Shame about the price

20th January 2024, 18:03
I’ve never heard of it, what is the benefit to someone who isn’t diabetic?

21st January 2024, 17:38
I’ve never heard of it, what is the benefit to someone who isn’t diabetic?

They are pushing this hard and it’s not cheap! I was interested to read more about it, but it puts me off that the company can obtain an awful lot of your data, this makes me very nervous in the current climate!

The benefits to a non-diabetic is that it can help you manage your weight better and have a better u deerstalker ding of how foods can affect our bodies.

8th January 2025, 09:13
I tried the Lingo version, as it’s a lot cheaper, it worked well and gave me some good insights as to how food affected me. I was surprised by the foods that affected my blood sugar, ones I least expected.