View Full Version : Kriyas during meditation

12th January 2024, 15:52
During my meditation I find that my limbs move involuntarily, at first this scared me a bit, but then I decided to to just go with it and see where it took me!

I asked other people about their meditation practice and no one explained this limb moving phenomenon to me, so I thought it was just me. Of course I Googled it (where would we be without Google!) and it is a phenomenon called Kriyas and it is to do with the energy moving around the body, apparently it’s a good thing and shows I am well on my way to spiritually :jb:

Has anyone else had this experience?

13th January 2024, 18:03
Isn’t this part of the kundalini experience? People try and meditate for years to experience this phenomenon.

What do your limbs do?

20th January 2024, 11:56
I’ve read this can commonly occur during meditation, but the question is how do you keep in a state of focused meditation when your limbs are flailing around?

20th January 2024, 12:18
Isn’t this part of the kundalini experience? People try and meditate for years to experience this phenomenon.

What do your limbs do?

Hi Tom, my limbs moving extremely slowly, a speed I would struggle to emulate in my wakened state. The movement always starts with a feeling of energy rising inside of me, then my back starts to straighten, straighten to the point where I am sitting bolt upright, again this is not how I would sit when fully awake. At this point my arms start to lift equally and slowly make their way out.

imagine me sitting cross legged, arms/hands resting on my legs, the elbows remain close to my body, but the forearm and hands swing out so they are at right angles to my hips, from there, they tend to rise up, then come back in and then if I allow it to follow through, my hands come down to a resting position in my lap.