View Full Version : Mushrooms for health

2nd January 2024, 07:19
I have been reading a lot recently about the growing trend of taking mushrooms to deal with certain health conditions and there is a lot of information available as to the benefits and power of these individual mushrooms.

I have tried Lions Mane, a mixed blend for the immune system, Turkey tail amongst others, I paid a lot of money after doing my research and realising that many cheaper versions are often packed with grain spores so the active product is quite minimal.

I really wanted Mushrooms to work for me, but I noticed I was getting really bad palpitations after taking them, only a fraction of the capsule was tolerated. At first I didn’t relate my racing heart to the mushrooms, but later did a search on Google to discover it’s a common side effect.

I have to say that at times I felt quite poorly, dizzy, almost blacking out! This was my experience, but please be careful, mushrooms are very powerful.

I still believe in their power, but sadly I don’t think they are for me!

5th January 2024, 11:50
I have tried Rishi mushrooms by adding them to my smoothie, but the trend these days is Mushroom coffee. I’m not a fan myself but I see it becoming more mainstream, although it could just be a very expensive ‘health food fad’ which actually contains very little health ingredients at all!

13th January 2024, 18:48
Micro dosing mushrooms is a big thing at the moment, admittedly it’s not the usual shop bought mushrooms, rather it is the magic sort :banana:

I see more and more coffee/mushroom formulas coming onto the market, I’m not sure how much value they really bring, or whether they are a pretend health food!