View Full Version : The New World
30th December 2023, 10:31
For a while now I’ve been hearing and fearing the concept of a New World. When this statement comes from the mouths of politicians, chills run down my spine! I simply lack trust in their leadership and I do not see any of them as a force for good in this world.
However, in parallel, I have also been hearing about a New World in terms of higher consciousness. That the human race is raising its vibrations, becoming more aware of the true reality that surrounds us. The veil is being lifted as so to speak.
This explains the changes we see in the climate, and geology. Over the next few years we will see an increase in violent weather patterns and earthquakes, volcanoes erupting etc along with this we will be impacted by solar flares more frequently and this will have an impact on both the earth and ourselves.
We will go through ‘birthing pains’ there will be much unrest in the world both on a natural scale, but politically. We must work through this as great fortunes and blessings will come out of these hard times.
So, if any of you have heard this term, ‘New World’, be open minded to what this may mean, but first the planet has to shake us all up to get rid of our old ways, our sense of separation.
31st December 2023, 15:35
I agree with your post, however, I’m inclined to believe that there are two forms of world order, the political one and the spiritual one, I think both are happening at the same time.
I do understand for us to move through and beyond our spiritual awakening we have to go through some birthing pains, I don’t think this will be nice for those living on earth today. I think the question is whether those alive today will get to witness the fruits of the labour?
maybe our souls purpose in this realm is to bring about the change, bring about the raising of consciousness. I believe we have to witness the trauma (wars, famine, injustice) to bring about a change in humanity’s conscious that says ‘no more’ ‘enough of this divide, we are one’.
something has to happen to us as a collective to make us feel connected and not divided anymore.
2nd January 2024, 07:07
I am not on board with the political New World, politicians around the world have all been corrupt and scandalous. Nothing they do is for the good of the people they serve. Now, it could be argued that the reason for the New World, is exactly this reason and that things need to change etc. but you only have to see the plans being cooked up right now, higher taxation, limited movement, more control etc and you see that this serves only those in power, it does not serve the people.
As for a New World with its inhabitants living in a higher vibrational space, well, yes, I am all for this. To achieve a higher vibration we need to live in a space of love, peace and service, this sounds lovely and if achieved, it should be a nicer world to live in.
5th January 2024, 11:20
We are definitely seeing a shift from the old world to a new world politically, is it a better world? :ne_nau: I think that only time will show the truth.
I think there will be a shift away from wars to a more peace time world. People will start to see the oneness in us all
5th January 2024, 14:52
I think people are more ‘awake’ these days, there is definitely an awakening happening and the collective consciousness is rising, look st the things that are considered normal that were considered ‘woo woo’ only a few years ago.
I’m hoping that the rising collective consciousness can keep the nefarious ones from achieving their plans. I believe they can.
There are groups on the internet that get together every month or year to collectively focus on something to bring about a change, studies have been done to prove the effect too!
6th January 2024, 10:50
I think people are more ‘awake’ these days, there is definitely an awakening happening and the collective consciousness is rising, look st the things that are considered normal that were considered ‘woo woo’ only a few years ago.
I think those that are awake are more prominent, more vocal, but I’m not so sure MORE people are awake! You only have to look at the past 3 years to see the majority of people are fast asleep and fully blinded.
I think maybe a few an awakening, but maybe the awake people were not so vocal an open in society as they are now. I guess in time their voice will be heard more readily by the masses and maybe they too will awaken.
I definitely feel an energy shift in the air, like there is an expectation of something big about to happen. It’s palpable.
20th January 2024, 17:21
It is said that all the children recently born and yet to be born are a different species than the older generations. They are more sensitive to the higher vibrations and will be more technologically advanced naturally.
20th January 2024, 17:48
It is said that all the children recently born and yet to be born are a different species than the older generations. They are more sensitive to the higher vibrations and will be more technologically advanced naturally.
I think these are children are known as indigo children
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