View Full Version : Vegetable soup

29th December 2023, 17:25
This is a simple and easy recipe that I make every week, give it a go

2-3 medium sized potatoes, peeled and diced

1 x squash, peeled, de-seeded and diced

1 x head of broccoli, cut up into slithers

Half large cauliflower, cut into thick slithers

4 large carrots, peeled and diced

Bouillon veg stock, organic, 4 x table spoons

Generous salt and pepper

Cayenne pepper 1/2 table spoon

1 x table spoon of fajita seasoning

1 x tablespoon of sage

1 x can of coconut milk

Throw it all in a large stockpot or saucepan cover with water, give it a good stir, bring to the boil, then simmer until veg is ‘forkable’
Then transfer to a food mixer/blender - blend and serve season more if needed :jb:

7th January 2024, 10:16
I love the simplicity of throw it all in and cook it!

Life can be stressful and time limited, not having to cook things down, or pre-cook things is a godsend! Does it matter the size of the diced veg?