View Full Version : Windy weather

6th February 2022, 15:04
Is it just me or has our weather become more windy than usual?

I have no recollection as a child of having such windy weather as a routine weather day, such strong winds seem to be associated with the occasional storm. But it seems that an increase in the wind is now normal, alone with a blending of our seasons.

6th February 2022, 17:45
The increasing wind is said to be a global phenomenon, why? I guess that could be argued as climate change.

6th February 2022, 17:47
I found this article, it may offer some insight..


28th December 2023, 15:20
It’s definitely windier than I recall as a child. I live in a particularly open landscape and the wind is constant, to the point where a no wind day really stands out as the exception.

30th December 2023, 10:40
Much of our weather is dictated by solar activity, I think we are heading into Solar maximum (lots of activity) also the magnetic poles of earth also effect the weather and it said these are shifting, reversing. This may explain the weather we are seeing more recently.