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View Full Version : 5G and Spring water

4th February 2022, 18:14
Wow! This is surely cause for concern when you consider we are 70% water. It raises the question what impact will 5G have on our health? :ykies


Gwen Jones
5th February 2022, 14:18
Wow! this is a bit concerning!

I love the crystal patterns that are made in the spring water, they take on a cannabis leaf shape :sly:

6th February 2022, 18:14
I find it a fascinating subject to hear how words, vibration and energy can affect the crystallisation of water. It certainly is a quick visualisation of how it could impact our own health. Maybe this test should be a litmus test for all things associated with our health.

8th February 2022, 10:30
Hmmm, this is a bit suspect, how do we know this relates to 5G?