View Full Version : Tea tree - Melaleuca alternifolia

4th February 2022, 15:55

Tea tree
Native to Australia, Aborigines use the crushed leaves to treat infected wounds and skin problems. On the battlefield Tea Tree was used in the first aid kit to treat infections before the use of antibiotics.
The oil is steam or water distilled from leaves and twigs from the tree.

The oil is colourless or pale yellow, with a strong, spicy, fresh camphoraceous smell.

Key actions:
Antiseptic, toning and stimulating.

Effective for acute and chronic cystitis as well as genital infections, including thrush, non-specific urethritis, genital herpes, genital warts, parities and trichomonad. Use in baths, compresses and pessaries.

The antiseptic qualities can help throw off colds and flu, bronchitis, asthma and catarrh. Steam inhalations can help treat acute infections such as colds, flu, rhinitis and sinusitis.

Tea Tree is an excellent anti fungal, for the treatment of athlete's foot and ringworm. It is widely used for acne and as a disinfectant it is useful for corns, callouses, whitlows, boils, wounds, cuts and burns. For cold sores, warts and verrucae dab on neat daily.

Use as a mouthwash to treat bad breath, mouth ulcers and gum infections.

See 'Safe Use of Essential Oils (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?525-Safe-Use-of-Essential-Oils)' article.

Bath, massage, diffusion, compress or inhalation.

Blends well with: Clove, Eucalyptus (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?901-Eucalyptus-Eucalyptus-globulus), Lavender (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?602-Lavender-Lavandula-augustifolia), Lemon (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?909-Lemon-Citrus-Limonum), Pine, Rosemary (https://www.organicallypure.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?613-Rosemary-Rosmarinus-officinalis) and Thyme.

Non-toxic externally. Skin sensitisation is rare but possible.

10th February 2022, 17:50
I use tea tree oil a lot on my face, whenever I get a spot, I dab a bit on and it helps to dry the spot up really quickly.

20th January 2024, 12:04
I have some crusty moles which are itchy and bleed when scratched, yes I know I should go to the Doctors and get them checked out (which I will when I can get an appointment) but I do believe such moles (cancerous or not) are either bacterial, viral or fungal in nature… what else is there!

Anyway, I have been dabbing Tea tree oil on the daily and they do seem to be slowly clearing up, getting smaller. I have also seen Clove oil is very powerful, so I’m going to purchase that too. I do apply neat to the affected area. Anyone else tried this?

23rd January 2024, 18:59
I have some crusty moles which are itchy and bleed when scratched, yes I know I should go to the Doctors and get them checked out (which I will when I can get an appointment) but I do believe such moles (cancerous or not) are either bacterial, viral or fungal in nature… what else is there!

Anyway, I have been dabbing Tea tree oil on the daily and they do seem to be slowly clearing up, getting smaller. I have also seen Clove oil is very powerful, so I’m going to purchase that too. I do apply neat to the affected area. Anyone else tried this?

My obvious statement would be to get your moles checked, but obviously you are. Tea tree is known to improve skin health, and can improve bacterial conditions, I’m not sure what benefit it can do to a mole. Isn’t a mole fungal? Isn’t that why they say don’t scratch a mole?