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View Full Version : Menopause suffering

10th July 2021, 08:21
I think I’m entering into the early stages of menopause, I seem to be struggling with memory recall, heavier periods, low mood, anxiety, reduced tolerance and a slower cognitive function.

I want to approach these years ahead with an holistic view and deal with it all in a natural way. I am physically active and regularly use Rescue remedy as a way to cope with acute bouts of intolerance, which works quite effectively.

I still have my periods and so my doctors don’t recognise that I am going through this stage. But I know my body and I know that is what is happening.

Any recommendations, experiencing are greatly received. :thumb

10th July 2021, 15:59
Menopause is the hidden affliction upon the midlifers and a cruel one it is too. It is good to see that it is slowly becoming a more talked about topic, but it seems very misunderstood by the medical profession and not tolerated by society.

Let’s face it, it was once considered ‘hysteria’ and poor women would be admitted into asylums.

6th January 2024, 11:00
It’s good to see celebs bringing this to the forefront. I’m not a big celeb fan, and generally feel their place in this world is a waste, but, I am grateful to see that they are using their platform to normalise the struggles of women going through the menopause. I think all too often we see celebs as not us, so to here that they struggle with diet, mental ability etc it makes the rest of feel that we are all normal and simply going through a journey.

12th January 2024, 16:00
I think you know your own body, if you think you are on the path to the menopause, then you probably are!

I had this same issue with my GP, I had all the symptoms and because my period was regular, then I was dismissed as being in the menopause.

What I will say is that my periods were very heavy and I didn’t Pursue it, I went on to be diagnosed with Cancer and endometriosis. So, I would recommend that you always push for further investigation if you have any doubt about the diagnosis or care you are receiving.

13th January 2024, 18:51
My mother suffered for years, in fact 10+ years, I think the lasting impact was dryness of membranes causing inflammation and irritation making her life somewhat miserable!

It is heartening to see celebs come out and talk about their issues. I think Penny Lancaster (Rod Stewart’s wife) spoke very candidly about her struggles too.