View Full Version : Insect bites

6th July 2021, 16:02
I am plagued by insect bites this year, I don’t see them, but their bites cause itching that goes on for days. It really is making my life a misery and seems to leave little scars on my skin.

I don’t want to take the usual histamines as I need to function and the benefits are not outweighed by the side effects, any recommendations?

10th July 2021, 16:12
DoTerra does an insect repellent which I believe is quite effective, it’s not one I have tried, but following this years increased biting insects, I will certainly be investing in it to see if it helps improve my spring and summer itch season.

10th July 2021, 16:13
It’s called TerraSheild


3rd February 2022, 16:04
Eucalyptus oil is worth trying, this may be a good deterrent and be a cheaper and more available option that the doterra range.