View Full Version : Hand sanitiser is bad for your health!

13th December 2020, 12:05
I have been using hand sanitiser throughout the past few months as instructed by our government but it seems that it could be very bad for your health!

The Food and Drug Administration has now issued warnings about 75 hand sanitizer products.

Officials say the products contain high levels of toxic methanol, which can cause blindness and even death if ingested.

Symptoms of methanol poisoning include nausea, dizziness, weakness, and visual disturbances.

After reading this my advice is wash your hands with good old fashioned soap and water

14th December 2020, 17:38
I do worry about children being told to use this multiple times each day when they are in school!

14th December 2020, 18:02
My hands are like sandpaper and I don’t think the high alcohol content and toxic ingredients can be good for you. I have noticed that my eyes are itching constantly which causes me to touch them and make them worse. I wonder if it is from the hand sanitiser residue on my hands!