View Full Version : Spices for inflammation

23rd November 2020, 16:38

A short video highlighting the benefits of adding spices to our diet. It is becoming very well known that inflammation in the body is the leading cause of death, which presents itself in many guises, such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes etc

Finding simple ways to reduce inflammation maybe the first step in reducing your risk of these chronic diseases.

23rd November 2020, 17:49
Wow! So Ginger, Turmeric, clove and Rosemary are the top spices to reduce inflammation? What I liked about this study is that the quantities used were normal amounts found in everyday cooking. Some of these studies require amounts that could not be consumed on a daily basis.

I will certainly be adding these spices to my foods from here on in! I’m also guessing that the addition of these spices would result in a reduction of pain :ne_nau:

25th November 2020, 18:52
This is brilliant news, finally something that is achievable and realistic that can make a difference to inflammation