View Full Version : Breathing for health

22nd November 2020, 16:24

This guy is just exceptional, his passion and enthusiasm shines through the screen. His breathing technique is said to help boost your immune system and improve your overall health.

22nd November 2020, 18:23
So many health benefits from simple breathing techniques. Anxiety, panic attacks and even childbirth all controlled by breathing so I am always interested in new techniques :eagerness:

23rd November 2020, 09:39
I watched an episode about Wim Hof on Goop (Gwyneth Paltrow), it was quite interesting and he is clearly someone who is extremely passionate about his cause. He has a huge following and his technique certainly makes sense, after all breath is everything!

23rd November 2020, 18:42
This is insane breathing though! Not normal at all, so therefore got natural or how we are meant to breathe, surely!