View Full Version : Immune system health

22nd November 2020, 15:57
Never before has our immune system been under so much scrutiny, let’s face it the year 2020 has been the year of immunity! I am seeing loads of articles about anti-bodies and T-cells, all indications of a healthy immune system.
We read about vaccines to trigger our immune system, and vaccines to boost a flagging immune system, illness, death, risk, heard immunity infection, transmission.... the list goes on, all referring to our health and immune system.

Yet not once have I heard any suggestion of how our immune system can be boosted naturally, what ways the individual can do to boost the effectiveness of their immune system. Why?

Personally I eat lots of fruit and veg, making sure I eat plenty of green leaves and dark skinned fruit and veg to maximise my A ,C and E vitamins. All of which are known to help boost your immune system. I drink plenty of water and take lots of fresh air.

Oh! Finally the controversial bit, I allow myself to be exposed to bugs! :ykies

23rd November 2020, 15:20
My osteopath told me that there profession had been specifically told NOT to highlight how their treatments can help the immune system. That they were not to make any reference to the immune system!!!!

Doesn’t that make you wonder why? Surely the government would want people to boost their immune system when ever and by what ever means they can! I find it shocking!

23rd November 2020, 18:37
I’ve noticed this, there is a distinct lack of information coming out from London about improving our immune system from home.

Personally, I’ve stepped up the fruit and veg, but specifically I’ve made sure I’m eating a wider variety of fruit and veg. Reducing toxins where possible and have increased my green tea intake.

23rd November 2020, 19:17
Is your immune system the same as your gut? Silly question but there seems to be just as much talk about protecting your gut and how beneficial good gut health is. Are they linked or am I just thick :jb:

23rd November 2020, 20:34
I love Dr Chatterjee, it’s a bit long, but worth a watch over a cup of green tea, or G&T:sly:


23rd November 2020, 20:35
Is your immune system the same as your gut? Silly question but there seems to be just as much talk about protecting your gut and how beneficial good gut health is. Are they linked or am I just thick :jb:

No, not the same, but the bacteria in your gut can influence how strong your immune system is. So, a healthy gut full of healthy, bacteria can promote a strong immune system helping to keep you healthy.