View Full Version : The great reset

22nd November 2020, 15:07
It is becoming commonly spoken about within the media, ‘the great reset’ and although we are all yet to realise what this really means to us and our future. What we are starting to understand is that it does mean restriction of movement, control and dictatorship by Government, but not just ours.

There are multiple different terms used around the world and of course China has been trialing this for some time, but the general term of phrase is ‘health passport’ which will take on the form of a document, QR code, digital information which can be updated via an app etc

This will mean that our movements can be monitored and also restricted based on our health/vaccine status. These movements may be as simple as going to a football match, music concert or big event to travelling abroad and getting our holidays.

So what :ne_nau: I hear you cry! But this is a big deal, being disguised as not being one, it is being designed to make us think we are being protected, when in fact it is about monitoring and controlling our movement.

22nd November 2020, 15:49
I doubt this will be a ‘thing’ let’s be honest our government can’t get test and trace to work, let alone something as big as a health passport!

22nd November 2020, 16:11
Very worrying indeed and while I agree with hippee the chance that the government could actually put such a plan in place is fairly remote. However, the concept is really a step back for society as a whole. It would also open up a way for control, individual taxation etc.

22nd November 2020, 18:19
I think we have been monitored for a while now, especially since people started to wear Apple watches which monitors your steps, heart rate and even sleep pattern. It can monitor if you have fallen and call emergency services if you don’t move. Now tell me that the Government are not already controlling you?!!!!

23rd November 2020, 15:13
I agree with Zoella, we have been monitored in ways we have no understanding, all of these chip and pin devices, face recognition, tracking phones, Google knows out every move. Let’s face what is Elon Musks star-link doing? :ne_nau: surely that is a monitoring device?

25th November 2020, 19:04
I know a lot of people have turned there Alexa off because they believe we are being monitored by them. I have said something before and my IPhone has responded with Siri talking to me, we are definitely being monitored and have freely signed up for this amazing technology unknowingly allowing our every move to be monitored and tracked