View Full Version : Strange but true!

24th October 2020, 17:41
I friend asked me the other day whether I had noticed that I have less dead flies on my car, My initial thoughts this was some sort of quipp about my driving, but she was quite insistent that I think about it. As I had only just washed my car some two days previously, it was easy to recall... no, I didn’t have any flies to wash off, or on the windscreen :ykies

Honestly, I hate flies, they really annoy me, but this was very true, there must be a shortage of flies :ne_nau: To add to this, I was walking through a wooded area, looking at all the conkers and how I used to collect them to ward off spiders and then I thought, I haven’t seen as many of them as usual either!

Have I been very lucky and they’ve all gone to my neighbour :sly: or is this a sign of the times? Our changing climate and loss of species.

25th October 2020, 16:15
Now you come to mention it I haven’t seen as many flies this year or wasps for that matter. My son still seems to have plenty of spiders visiting him though!

25th October 2020, 16:25
There does seem to be a decline in insects and even the birds that were in abundance outside my bedroom window seem to be far less this year. Has this virus got some sort of airborn capacity to kill off wildlife or is it pollution from humans?

28th October 2020, 16:39
I have noticed this too, do you think there can be an explanation for it?

27th November 2020, 18:20
I have not found a single spider so far which is unheard of. Is nature telling us something we don’t know?!