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24th October 2020, 11:35
This seems to be some interesting research to help prevent worsening symptoms of Covid https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201022195637.htm

Potentially, this may off a way for people’s condition not to deteriorate further and what is so good, is that this is well well known safe medication! Certainly food for thought!

24th October 2020, 12:13
My parents have always taken an aspirin a day so hopefully this will now have the added bonus of preventing symptoms worsening in Covid, a win, win :love_heart:

24th October 2020, 12:21
It seems the old ways are still the best :love_heart::love_heart:

24th October 2020, 17:05
This seems to be some interesting research to help prevent worsening symptoms of Covid https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201022195637.htm

Potentially, this may off a way for people’s condition not to deteriorate further and what is so good, is that this is well well known safe medication! Certainly food for thought!

I guess it would make sense, Covid is an inflammatory illness, and Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory. Good to know, thank you for sharing!

27th October 2020, 08:00
Interestingly, these more simple drugs are not being touted as helpful at all in the treatment of Covid. Given how much emphasis is being put on (incl £££) into a vaccine, how come there isn’t as much focus on early treatment for those with Covid?

28th October 2020, 16:55
Interestingly, these more simple drugs are not being touted as helpful at all in the treatment of Covid. Given how much emphasis is being put on (incl £££) into a vaccine, how come there isn’t as much focus on early treatment for those with Covid?

I think they are not using the simple drugs because pharmaceutical companies want to sell their revolutionary new drug at a cost of trillions when we probably could have just taken an aspirin!