View Full Version : Humans evolving

9th October 2020, 12:56
An interesting read in the MSM today about human micro evolution which shows people are being born without wisdom teeth and an extra artery in their arm!
Along with these changes, Australian scientists showed babies have shorter faces, smaller jaws and extra bones in their legs and feet.

Apparently over time our faces have got smaller, which means our mouths have got smaller, leading to less room for teeth! The study suggests that humans are evolving faster than at any time in the past 250 years.

I wonder what is driving these sudden evolutionary changes? Very interesting!

10th October 2020, 12:51
How interesting I have noticed children have massive overcrowding of their teeth leading to more extractions and need for braces

11th October 2020, 07:56
How interesting I have noticed children have massive overcrowding of their teeth leading to more extractions and need for braces

Really! So this would concur with the suggestion that people’s faces are narrowing and can not accommodate the teeth.
But why are humans faces narrowing?

16th October 2020, 17:20
I wonder why humans faces are narrowing?

18th October 2020, 05:31
I wonder why humans faces are narrowing?

it is to do with the food we eat, which is more processed, sloppy and does not require chewing in the same way our ancestors used to eat food.

24th October 2020, 16:16
They are not evolving enough! Common sense would be a good evolutionary advantage. Oh! And kindness - we lack that too!