View Full Version : Fat shaming!

3rd October 2020, 15:25
I read a recent article that said if you know someone who is overweight it is your duty to fat shame them which would shock them into losing weight!

Is this harsh or are you doing them a favour?

Personally I would be mortified if someone fat shamed me so I suppose it could work but there is no way I would hurt someone’s feelings by saying they are fat!!!

5th October 2020, 17:17
I would tell family members in a jokey way but no way would I tell a friend that is just rude!

5th October 2020, 17:25
Us blokes do it all the time it’s no big deal

6th October 2020, 09:17
Who says it is a persons duty? I think this suggestion is outrageous! :mad:

People are overweight for many reasons, and very often there is an underlying medical or psychological problem. Who is anyone to fat shame or judge!