View Full Version : Forwards or backwards?

3rd October 2020, 14:34
I was wondering if you could go forwards in time or backwards what year would you like to go to?

I would like to go back to the 50’s, I love the big petticoats and skirts, rock and roll was new and men were men and women were women. You knew your place and there was none of this gender neutral crap and being frightened to hold a door open in case you offend someone.

Am I just old fashioned?

3rd October 2020, 15:09
It would be quite interesting to go forwards but I reckon it would be scary too! Stay in the present is my advice.

5th October 2020, 17:19
It would be quite interesting to go forwards but I reckon it would be scary too! Stay in the present is my advice.

That is sound advice May. Too many of us are stuck in the past so much it affects our present and future. I would love to have lived in the 60’s though, it looked like everyone was so happy :jb: